Applies to:
The VMS can help you to manage your DVR both locally and remotely. But before adding your DVR to VMS, please follow the link below to check the network case on your DVR first:
Only when your DVR is connected to the internet, you can use VMS to monitor your DVR.
Here is the software download link.
For Windows:
32-bit verison:
64-bit version:
Note: Remote viewing is not supported on the PC side of the Mac version.
1.Please open VMS, and please click Manual Add to add your device:
2.Please input your DVR information to add your device:
1)'Device Name': Please name your device ID
2)'Login Type': Please select 'Cloud ID'
3)'Cloud ID': Please find your long serial number and input it
Please follow the link below to find the serial number:
4)'Username': Please input your system admin username(If you haven't changed this username, it names admin by default.)
5)'Password': Please input your system admin password(If you haven't changed this password, it is an empty password by default.)
After adding your device, it means your device is added successfully if the Connect status is Connected:
3.Then please go back to Home page and go into Monitor page.
Please click your device name and then select the camera channel to play the live view.
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